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The Napier District Masonic Trust Board

Our purpose, our kaupapa, is to encourage and maintain the independence, activity and personal options of residents within a caring environment, whilst embracing traditional masonic principles.
Napier District Masonic Trust

Our Trustees

Our vision, our wawata, is to continue to grow, to embrace new opportunities providing sector leading service in an economic, social and environmentally sustainable manner.

Board Chairwoman

Laureen Sutherland

  • Registered Nurse BN – HBDHB 32 years
    – ICU/CCU & Emergency Management
    – HBDHB – Nursing Education – Tutor
    – Medical Management
  • Appointment to NDMT Board – 2009
  • Aged Care Sector
    – 2003 – 2007 Oceania Clinical Manager
    – 2007 – 2019 Anglican Care Waiapu Quality Operations Manager
    – 2019 – Present Aged Care Consultant
  • Aged Care Representative – EIT Advisory Board
  • Chairperson – HB branch of Aged Care NZ Executive

Laureen’s many years of experience in the healthcare sector has provided her with the opportunity to be part of a team committed to delivering quality healthcare service to the Hawke’s Bay community. Laureen is married to Russell and has two grown children.

“Far and away the best prize that life offers, is the chance to work hard at work worth doing” – Theodore Roosevelt.

Deputy Chairwoman

Pene Johnstone

  • Appointment to NDMT Board – 2015
  • Member ATAINZ – Accounting and Taxation Institute of NZ

“I have been an accountant for the past 40 years. Although you could say it was longer than that as my father had a building business and I started helping in the office at the age of 10. 
When asked to join the Napier District Masonic Trust I was very interested in what the Trust was achieving, and felt I had the background to be able to contribute effectively to the Board. I have always had an interest in property investment, building was in my DNA and my mother had lived in a serviced apartment in a retirement village for 14 years.” Pene has been a member of many charitable organisations over the years. She said, “It always feels right to be able to give my time to help others.”

Pene and her husband Colin enjoy overseas travel visiting new places and cultures. Having the time now to spend with their three children and seven grandchildren brings so much joy.


Mark Dickerson

  • Appointed to the NDMT Board in 2010
  • Past Master & Trustee Scinde Lodge .
  • Past President Greenmeadows Rotary.
  • Napier Community Patrol. – 10years

Mark and his wife Vicky left their family farm in Pauatahanui 26 years ago to begin a new life in Hawke’s Bay. “We have three adult children – two girls, one son, and one grandchild”. Mark is a qualified builder and licensed building practitioner, who has many strings to his bow. As well as his building background he has been involved in the timber industry, property development, farming, and a restauranteur. A love of classic cars and any racing involving four wheels or two excites Mark and he has enjoyed playing a wide range of sports. These days the tramping trails, coastal walks, and fishing in Hawke’s Bay’s rivers and sea are Mark’s relaxation, plus motor homing, reading, and Rotary.


Terry Wellington - Freemason Representative for the Divisional Grand Master

  • Appointment to NDMT Board – 2024
  • Trustee – The Masonic Village Trust.
  • Chair – LNI Masonic Investments Ltd
  • Finance Manager – Sentify Ltd
  • Director – Masonic Villages Ltd and Masonic Care Ltd
  • Member CAANZ

Terry embraced technology early on in his career and has been instrumental in taking the lead on introducing and assisting with development of data and software services in companies around the Pacific and North Asia since the mid-seventies.

Terry remains active in a family business today and represents Freemasons interests with the Masonic Village Trust. 


John Hart

  • Member of NDMT – 2021
  • Past Executive Director NZ Taxi Federation
  • Past Managing Director HB Combined Taxis

John Hart has 40 years of journalism experience in radio, television, and print. Part of that time meant a term spent amongst the political powers in parliament’s press gallery for radio and television.

John left journalism in later years and spent ten years in the taxi industry, including 5 years as Executive Director, NZ Taxi Federation.


David Henderson

  • Appointment to NDMT Board – 2016
  • Principal, Primary Schools
  • Primary teacher’s council for principal’s representative – 8 years
  • President of NZEI (teachers union) Southland District Council – 3 years
  • President of NZEI (teachers union) Central East District Council – 6 years
  • Elected NZEI Principals Council – 10 years
  • Past president, secretary, and treasurer of Lions, Petane Club, Bayview.

After attending Christchurch Teachers College, and becoming a primary school teacher, David taught in several regions of New Zealand. He spent his last 18 teaching years as Principal of Eskdale School in Hawkes Bay, from where he retired.
In his role with the NZEI Principals Council, David attended meetings with the Ministry of Education and the Education Review Office to develop strategies and educational moves to benefit the pupils and teachers in New Zealand schools. Since his retirement, David enjoys playing golf and driving a school bus. He is a very proud father of two sons and granddad to two beautiful granddaughters.


Jim Heron

  • Appointment to NDMT Board – 2020
  • CAANZ -Chartered Accountant 56 years.
  • Director Wairoa Power -15 years
  • Justice of the Peace Ministerial – 26 years

Jim is an active member of the Wairoa community and was involved in the Wairoa District Lions for more than 10 years and served a term as councillor for the Wairoa District Council.

Jim is married to Shirley, and they have five children (2 boys & 3 girls), seven grandchildren, and four beautiful great-grandchildren.


Lester Reese

  • Automotive Engineer
    Member & Chair HB Almoners Association.,
  • Napier District Masonic Trust
  • Napier community patrol & trainer
  • Masonic Lodge & Allied orders – Master
  • FENZ smoke alarm & home safety team

Lester is an outdoorsman and has enjoyed many hours golfing, and tramping the scenic trails New Zealand offers. His also likes nothing better than escaping to the water with his fishing rod and flies.


Del Whyte

  • Appointment to NDMT Board
  • Bachelor of Science,
  • Diploma in Teaching, TTC
    Certificate in Wine

Del is Ngati Kahungunu, his hapu is Ngati Hawea. Many ex-pupils and pupils of ex-pupils of Napier Boys High School will remember Mr Whyte. Their memories will be from the classroom and more than likely from the sports field where he coached rugby and encouraged the players to excel. Under his guidance, they achieved three Super Eight titles, (synonymous with excellence in education, innovation in management, and outstanding performance on stage and the sports field). Five Top 4 (National First XV Championship) appearances and they were NZ champion once. His achievements with his teams saw him receive Hawkes Bay Coach of the Year at the 2003 Hawkes Bay Sportsman of the Year. Napier Boys High School was fortunate to have Del teaching and mentoring pupils for 39 years and during his tenure he was Head of Department (Agriculture), Dean and Senior Master (Assistant Principal). Currently, Del sits on Te Matou a Maui Rugby Incorporated board and is a Life member of the following:

  • Napier Old Boys Marist Cricket Club
  • HB Cricket Association
  • HB Cricket Umpires and Scorers Association
  • Inaugural and current Trustee of Veterans Cricket New Zealand representing
    Central Districts since 2019.

Del is married to Lorraine, and they have four children (3 boys and a girl) and seven grandchildren.

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